The way forward...
The Most Vital Element...
The Decider and role model...
Pioneering a new way of function and ability requires deep aspects of foundation
Aspects grounded in understanding the potential of our people aligned and simplified
A world and its magnificence designed with proper intent
Brings to pass our peoples liveliness, a grand earth heaven sent
It takes parts of play, each elegant and important in a grand display
A shelvecast of realities in service and flow
With proper boundaries, what place will we go?
The limit is our mindset, a great foundation and reset
Elevation Frequencies
Monitor Frequencies
Refinement Frequencies
Foundation Frequencies
Core Frequencies
Chief institutions of ability
Members that recognize the importance of sovereignty
Foundations of truth and love, a sagehood of comfort and understanding
Building is within the constructing a palace
It is in the fabric of connecting and service
It is in the positive contribution we donate