This writing is to inspire alignment to the setting and capacity of matrix we were meant to recognize and integrate
A matrix that pays respect to the truth and purpose of our humanity
The Nazarene
An inquiry into our global matrix
By: Marcus Vicenté
As a theologian or philosopher, one might come up with some interesting definitions and settings that our people are traversing here on earth
Whether they be true or not, how we live in conjunction with truth is just as vital as the truth itself, this being what comes from the unfoldment potential in life
( this is to say - a positive mindset doesn't need to bring upon heaven yet the life one leads brings greater harmony in its stead )
The semantics of definition being, two things can be simultaneously correct and still substitute for the other
The way to read this would be, understanding Jesus and also what he represents
Satan the same, an effect on our spiritual reality.
May we recognize not just the teacher but also their fruit/values
For the ways of example may be just that
A product of perception
Personally, I understand the difficulty of faith without a decent standard of practicality
That is why to start, we delve into the realms of Science
Grounding something solid
The Big Bang/Creation
Who says they can't be the same thing?
One of my favorite stories that brings together our setting on earth more than anything is the story within the Gnostics
Now while I may miss the mark and come back to later to fix, what I know of our unfoldment is how the word of God made our Galaxy/Solar System
Part of the word of God was the emanation of Sophia and her Journey into the darkness of our universe; Our mothers rebelliousness into outer realms without grace
Think of this; the aura or aspect of spirit only emanates as far as its capacity of reach
As above so below, our universe and the spirit within the standard of limit can only project itself to a length within its constitution
It would makes sense that there would be parts within this mass emanation of material that might fall outside the limits of its potential in unfoldment
What happens when you drop an egg from a ladder?
The separation of material goes 'splat' sending smaller particles from the center
Therein creating aspects within the totality outside the rim of the main formation off fall out
Within that big bang, without fault of our own, or within the orchestration of balance, we are a lost planet
We are on the outer rims of grace and loving connection that was in the beginning of all things, this would equate to unique rules of engagement
Without the light of our universal creator or what we might call the great central sun, our standard of ability also lays outside the grace of proper orchestration
Before we take things into biblical stories and scripture, lets take a journey into the theology of Gnosticism
We may call the book of life or the standard by which we are recognized to be a natural source
A respect and standard that meets an honorable quality of flow
The Sun of God or the vastness of the soul might be written up with the stars
As above, so below- greatness would not be inhabited by ego but the vastness of love
A love that transcends our current capacity of realization
An integration that takes an eternal nature
A Legend as Jesus might reach out
Hope we make the grab
The revelation
Where are the hang-ups?
We often think of others judging us as a great offence
We often take heed to the crabs in our bucket, valuing the opinion of others
To not say they don't matter wouldn't be entirely correct as we live for the love and liberation of others
If we were to stop, take a moment in respect to truth?
Our alignment to setting and constitution would align to the purpose of real judgment
Our priorities would shift to reservoirs of time elation and integration that paid respect to our deepest truth
If God was to reach out in loving faith
The real question would be, do we have it in us?
Do we have it in us to leap in loving devotion in truth?
Life Devotee
A final hoorah
Jesus was born a Jew but persecuted Jewish leadership.
Jesus was born a Palestine but lived in manner of the assines and as a Nazarene
Jesus was put into situations that didn't define him rather, he came to prove them wrong in so many ways.
I find it sad, treacherous & possibly evil, to honor and respect a man yet live in ways that disgrace him.
The one who hated him the most, the polarity of his energies effort is sick & twisted.
This part of our spiritual world fools a great many with ease.
Its easy to stand on the side of pleasure, like those of addictive nature, let us not take away the vice.
Anyone or anything to challenge the notion of complacency best not come between.
Having love towards life is a sure shot in the bucket view.
I would challenge that this love Christ had towards the expansion of light
Jesus was in essence, the greatest firework to ever walk the earth.
( I compare our purpose and life as a firework usually )
His purpose being finished on one last hoorah.
( This is one part of his purpose )
Living he gave example of true values, he walked homeless much of the time in efforts to shine light on what mattered.
In a fallen system of oppression and darkness, he was a light of loving devotion to all people.
If the age of Kali was going to shift, he was the man to make corrections.
He valued a legacy in devotion of love, a depth that even today has been covered and spit on by even his most devoted of followers.
Conscious of it or not, the facts of our soul harmony by definition cannot be undone.
Our time in this unfoldment, true as the moment we were created.
( I would challenge any Priest, Pastor or Hierophant to the balance in spirit we choose to disregard )
He wanted us to remember- he wanted us to honor the truth of life.
He wanted us to know of our greatness in that so bad, he was willing to put his own on the line.
People say authenticity is the highest frequency, I would say that in his anger, defense of life in the temple was his greatest light.
To know and defend others has been what we could call a lost art.
Though to those who know understand that our greatest of intelligence aligns with that significance.
A significance that knew God in respect to all things of experience, evolution and contribution to life in ones great unfoldment.
The Nazarenes
What would be the outcome?
Moses 4:3
Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down;
A matrix is aligned with laws, function and a philosophy about the material and spiritual worlds we manifest & inhabit
Depending on the example leader we follow determines the outcome within that matrix we bring to pass
When I think of the architects of these matrixes I believe there to be 2 main leaders at work
When I think of the infinite matrix, one of glory in capacity and ability I think of Jesus
Jesus in his time here had the chance to choose between the truth or treachery
When he followed his purpose he laid the foundation for a greater way of being
When I think of lack of integrity and dishonest contribution I think of Satan
What was once a great being fell due to pride by wanting to control others
With his fall, he chose the polarity in effort to take away from the kingdom
One could call this split the greatest difference in capacity
A capacity with two opposing positions in outcome
One of love and devotion to the soul of humanity
The other of disgrace and spiritual destitution
( Selfless/Oneness, Detachment/Utility, Order(HH*) vs Pride/Arrogance, Attachment/Vices, Chaos(TO**) )
Combine the two we have a vesica picsis of a reality- each in respect of its own priorities and values
These two combating realms of values compete for the respect and commitment of souls
This is where those of logic meet those of scripture- the game resonance of humanity
In order to give free will to man kind, we needed an opposite pull
We needed to give the soul a chance to choose
A Matrix of liberty or captivity
High Harmony*
Treacherous Order**
Treacherous Order
A matter of Justice
Have you noticed how convincing the darkest can be?
Within the capacity of greatness, ones choice in direction can shift potential
Why is the biggest sin to deny God? It would be because it is the choosing of a way that includes free will
( to say no to a respect designed by you, for you - common sense flow/function/facility )
( this through understanding ones destiny tied to proper alignment & pathway )
The choosing against God, the will of life as we all do to some degree, you can choose what is against God
Choosing to respect one that goes against the will of life has it's own realm of resonance
It would be wise to know when and how this darkness binds
Matthew 4 : 8-10
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, [b]“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
If Jesus had chosen Satan's offer, he would be the king of the degenerates and a sell out
If Jesus chose to take rule of Satan's temporary Kingdom, he would have ruled under temporal values
This is what Satan does, he works to convince the greatest of the great into selling their soul to pride and ash
This would be to respect and uphold a matrix of values that did not include the the fullness of our greatest capacities
This would be not to include ones greatest integration in service/abundance- in the least ones main mode of function in life
( Function in regards to Human Design | Gene Keys )
Couldn't that be the most degenerate thing, to have the most influential of our people put the most worthless thing to rule the nations
Pride is a fleeting and valueless attribute that only the most corrupted fools would put at the top of what should be honorable contribution
Only the most treacherous and hateful would use that to lead nations of people to their downfall
It makes sense because this shadow of the fallen, like the most jealous, wishes that more than anything
To have the greatest of fools lead the people in pride and prejudice, to bring down the true beauty of self respect
A nation of Christ Followers- those who refuse to sell out to the iotas and bigotry of the fallen
When Life said do not before you put up idols, it's because you lose sight of heaven within
The vast landscape that is ones inner beauty, alive and connected to all life
The new Matrix, the soulful and delighted to make happen;
Our greatest endeavornments in sovereignty
May we find and operate from this place of resonance and beauty
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The fact
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