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The following definitions are structure of truth that the Magi of this network adhere to

We know the world wishes to disgrace and misguide the potential of our holistic manifestation

Yet, we as a collective of masters in dedication to our greatness, we honor the truth of these things


The Sidereal Revolution represents the true great reset that our humanity is striving to connect with

This way of life and resonance recognizes the totality of our moment

With this alignment, we pay respect to the truth

IFY ( I Feel You )

We stake claim to the 'I feel you' collective

Deer Network works to sanctify life in all aspects of causation

We work to recognize and facilitate harmony within the unconscious of our world


A builder is one who takes a respectable integration in loving respect and devotion

Builders integrate greater avenues of conscious understanding of growth and servitude

Builders highlight greater degrees of spirit/science to assist in the manifestation of our collective


A word and belief that contributes a great amount of controversy

Many believe this word represents being alive itself

We believe it is much deeper

Our focus of restoration; Animal Cruelty, Relationship Standards, Life Legacy

To achieve this harmony of true love, we have integrated requirements into our foundation

We align the facts of causations to better create a harmony that respects our feelings or teachers

The difference we integrate into our process and potential is recognition of what is

The fight we have within our system and people is our inability to believe in this end goal

A mentality of not if, but how we we achieve this flow of great ability

The Golden Age

An age of authenticity grounded in an alchemical flow of increased respect and wellness of each human.

Crystalline grid

A grid of truth and transparency that brings greater responsibility potential in flow and ability.

Restitution (Deer Network)

Bringing resolution and balance within and without our global and personal capacity.


There are 3 types of truths |as they are translated correctly|, the perspective of the experiencer, the perspective of the experience and the absolute which we can't perceive

INdras Net

The vast mutual causation of greater reflection.

A buddhist philosiphy that connects to parts of network and beauty

Core conductor

One who operates significant channels of flow and ability

The Age Of Aquarius

The age of human connection and sovereignty

Our peoples integration of greater forms of flow and potential

Growth Mindset

One that knows and grows in synergy to the truth within life

( all parts unconscious or conscious, + or - )

New Human | New Earth* | New Age

The New Human brings a new paradigm of empowerment to the individual and their abilities

New Earth preserves and promotes the best side of all belief systems of devotion and service.

A New Age of growth, connection and transformation that honors all people and their capacities.

New PAlestine

To honor our capacity, our first endevorment to transform

The degree and capacity by which we focus is our greatness

New Landscapes of ability representing our true homecoming

Humanities Golden Age

What does it mean exactly?

A Golden Age has less to do with financial wealth and everything to do with wellness.

With this recognition- a paradigm shift of values needs greater definition and focus.

We build our people to understand the depth of understanding and process or reformation to greater sovereignty.

More than an Ideal, rather, a new process and realigned global priorities

The New Human is one in harmony with all, body mind and spirit

The 3 Keys needed for complete and total benevolent global transformation

Engrained within M.M.

Deer Network Quantum Leap


Thank you for your time and energy toward our goal of 5 million members

Together we can build an Empire and New Earth

A New Earth & Respect

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