We are leaving the age of darkness.
The age and manipulated time of unconscious growth through ignorance
Our people are unsatisfied with the old way of earth operation
We know we are greater than what we've been told and seek greater foundations of love and ability
With the old ways crumbling by corruption and egoic ways of control
A new way emerges that brings about new hope for a more conscious way to bless the people
This place and vision is one of grandeur
A place not of physicality, but flow and intent that graces our peoples soul
A manifestation for the Ages
One that brings about Proper Potential and a Monastery of future Elementals

In preparation for the elementals, refinement of education and process will be dealt by the Ambi-Monk Monestary
We will cover aspects in society that need rejuvenation as well as areas that need building through integrity
Focusing on the end first through this purification we can build the inner aspect to meet our elementals

Elemental Creed
“The elements of life are dynamic patterns of mass and energy, events rather than objects."
The foundation to life and the world we build depends on the quality of its elements
These aspects are an extension of beauty we create within, solidified by our deepest truths
To bring this Golden Age its greatest extent and ability requires a purifying and cultivating of these parts
As we bring to mass the knowledge of gifts these areas provide, we solidify into diamonds, our greatest united potential
The Rose perceive depth and refined beauty within our greatest admissible expression to bring out our deepest aspect of divinity
The Alchemist has the unique capability of transfusing a piece or project to whatever serves a more qualified part in unfoldment
The Lion brings courage and a fearlessness that is transmittable by recognition of our eternal self grounded in love and fortitude
Consider this recognition and achievement a portal to a new world and the highest timeline conceived for our human family

Deer Network Advantage
Deer Network represents humanities most conscious sovereign ability in growth and service
The Science of Frequency grounded with Proper Potential will make this world its greatest respect
A global foundation of flow, elementals and services that align our people based on necessity and truth

Scaling Services
Grouping with all levels of intent to overcome challenges facing social functionality
Science of Sovereignty
Conscious Contribution tailored to humanities greatest outcome
Greater Vision
Grouped parts of Visionaries, Entrepreneurs and Ambassadors connect a greater future potential
Foundational members benefit retainment from Deer Network recruitment
The future is based on necessity from conscious understanding of setting/outcome
Something we realize-actualize as acting foundation of these parts
Mobile/Desktop Security
Integrity and development
We employ a revolutionary, patented dual encryption technique that has never been penetrated.
Our non-linear, elliptical curve encryption technology meets US military standards for the transmission of Top-Secret level information.
Network is invisible to the internet, significantly reducing exposure to opportunistic attacks.
Scales Effortlessly
Requires minimal maintenance and can easily scale from 10 to 10,000,000 resources.
Zero Trust Network
Resource-level control means hackers don't gain access to your entire network when one user is compromised
Software support and layered encryption on all levels, with common operational cross-domain secure data
AES256 Encryption
Military Grade
Patented non linear end to end dual encrypted service
Logistics Software Solutions
Seamless Communications through Order Management, Dispatch and Billing
Classes, Services & Events
Many parts are still under solidification to allow proper alignment
Below are ideas within the new app that we have ready to create and implement into our process
Coordinate new avenues of growth, service and function crowned by art and ability
Put together important contacts and documents in reference to each project
Level price points and ideation in outlooking cost efficiency and outcome
Logistic Mapping
Time stamp your orders and with conclusive endgame probabilities
MultiPlex Login
Login module connecting to all businesses of service and ability
All people, all conduits
Service Reminders
Services in range with notifications of new popup events to build/connect
When constructing a new way of flow and servitude, our collective guidance on necessary measures and modules will be integrated as we co create
At this time Elements are able to be translucent based on necessity and what foundational members find important in unfoldment
Meetings will help in the expansion of parts to better serve our collective of humanity and final goal
Core Accounts
A profile signifying growth, evolution and contribution will be marked in respect to ones personal integrity.

Core Accounts
Organizing and manifesting proper outcome requires customary suits of orchestration.
These accounts and their mapping allows the user to be most effective.

Shaving the head isn't necessary though we recognize its purpose in the process
The intention is to purify the soul from all aspects of egotistical manipulation
The intention is done to honor life and those we share it with
3 Core Accounts
Access to all Classes
Access to all Services
Access to all Events
10% Retainment PP
84% Retainment on E-commerce
12x4 Meet Commitment
6-9 Year Evolution
Core Conductor
6 Core Accounts
Access to all Classes
Access to all Services
Access to all Events
Total System Access & Control
( With Safe Guards )
15/10/5% Total Net Retainment on Services
90% Retainment on E-Commerce
150-200 Meet/Yr Commitment
3-4 Year Evolution
9 Core Accounts
Access to all Classes
Access to all Services
Access to all Events
5-20% Potential Split Retainment
(Commitment variables w/CC)
0-10 Meet/Yr Commitment
∞ Evolution
Customization for Evolutionary is available based on Commitment

Levels are subject to rules of capacity and achievement
Aspects are subject to change/evolve/expand
We will bring forth the best in outcome
Keeper of Truth, Justice & Cosmic Order
Sage & Guide
My focus and specialty is one on one
As a 4/6 projector my purpose is to act as a guide for the people
We will work at alignment for your personal gnosis within our greatest setting

Marcus Alexander Vicenté
Sun- Gemini
Moon- Gemini
Rising- Cancer
Mercury- Gemini
Human Design
S/Projector 4/6
Life Path
I couldn't ask for a better life chart and evolution- we will make you recognize this for yourself
(I've only scratched the surface of my own inner depth and sovereignty)
Crystalline Grid
The game changer and product of our future benevolent flow
In this time we choose to remain silent about this manifestation
The delicacy of its truth should remain in the dark until its conception
Our collective Graduated Diamonds will be the grounding of this high vibe elemental service
Crystalline Grid Builders
Aspects within the grid have already been recognized**
Why invest with Proper Potential?
PP Represent the roots and foundation of the Golden Age of Humanity
We focus on Proper elements grounded in education and ability
Future generations can feel secure working with the best
What is a Ambi-monk?
Humanity is alchemizing our world to greater serve our greatest capacity
The Ambi Monk is one who devotes part of their life towards this collective human betterment
Alignment to aspects within the monastery will bring to past proper outcome in refining greater elemental flow
When does Deer network open?
The shape of society and our stance on consciousness has finally hit a pinnacle in understanding
There are elements within a greater unfoldment being integrated to carry out humanities greatest endeavor
Once we complete proper solidification of holistic resonance and ability, we will allow the network of healing to flow
We will reach a proper light quotient before launch
(depth of truth/integrity/alignment)

Advance through Desktop