Advance through Desktop
Disclaimer: I'm not an advocate for judgment. In fact I do my best to refrain from judging the most ridiculous people and situations as it keeps me from taking on whatever energies and ideas these people and places represent.
Everything is objective to me, unless it acts as something more.
This is to highlight the energy within our collective populace rather than the person.
This resonance would act as a body, something that solidifies over time and is hard removed.
In this article I go into depth on one individual who will not be named out of respect to the connection, many might figure out who she is.
That is not the point here in any degree though this will also act as my testimony/truth against this person in whatever way is necessary.
I take responsibility of my choices, especially when they betray me.
It is not my job to take responsibility for creations that were stolen,
I will do this in my own manner of ability as that is restitution.
There will be justice for the slander, lies, and the heinous way by which these conduct themselves.
Supposedly it is her mission to destroy me by using means that are quite illegal and certainly not of integrity.
Because it is her mission to end me through defamation & slander- It is my purpose to make an example out of her.
This article is based in truth. Any sympathy garnered is not necessarily sought after though the facts are real
It pains me to no end to recount these memories as my only intention was to better honor those worthy while caring for the less fortunate
What was meant as gifting parts of my creation and love turned to envy, jealousy, robbery, treachery, harassment and attempted murder on multiple occasions
Making friends with a sever narcissistic bully is not something I would recommend for anyone
I was loyal and dedicated to our connection up until she crossed the line of treachery
The truth I find is honestly worse than what I was able to come up with here
I grew up being able to take harassment, but when it comes to attempted murder, I draw a hard line
Call this redrawing that line- something I don't care to do but find it necessary
Queen Poser has cursed herself by conducting abhorrently in relationship to other people
To remove this curse she must change her name to match the truth as well as make right her wrongs
She must bring to light her lies and pay for the time in deception and theft of property that she has committed
Queen Poser has accumulated close to 20 mil follows on Instagram
If only that number reflected anything of worth
Maybe with some people it does
This is to say, we cannot judge a book by its cover, some 'leaders' are a drag on the collective frequency
Those who cannot be honest with others are trapped in a bubble
We witness them experience hell within knowing
A Poser;
One who gives an impression of being one way, when the intent or agenda is to do and be another way- often malicious and evil.
Result being, serious disrespect, dishonor and especially treacherous to another and their time.
When I found and followed you Miss Poser,
you were as an Angel in your profile picture,
you turned out to be quiet the opposite
Crazy to think how you laugh at perceived naivete rather than feel the disgrace of being a fraud
In the end, please tell the world how your pride and arrogance worked out for you
These lessons are truly important for the alchemy of our global systems
NEW; Queen Poser Chronicles
An outside perspective
I have a special Psychic that goes to town on the truth to the causation Queen Poser has played in my life
Thank you to this kind heart for the work she does in bringing justice against this energy
I do not care to spend too much energy here yet she covers the need
The Downfall of Queen Poser
Please don't mistake my kindness for weakness
( rumor has it you gave away your soul )
Written By; Marcus Alexander Vicenté
To give some context to this I would like to give some backstory.
I spent my late 20s with some great people
I had many great memories with these people and built what I felt as a trustworthy and honorable tribe
Come to find out, tribes are not as loyal and trustworthy as I thought they were
What started as a bliss fuck beauty of a group turned out to be liars and backstabbers of what I thought to be the worst kind
( not all negativity was intentional, neither all people. I forgive these people completely and only wish them the best )
These at least didn't try to murder me or try to sacrifice me to molech
At it's worst I had idk who all were fooling with my girl tell me its ok to move in with her ( or they at least knew what was happening- much is still in the air for me )
when clearly it was going to be a waste of time and energy as the loyalty had diminished and disrespect was the foundational element of our connection
( before someone says it, sure it was my fault making friends that did this sort of thing, not that our integrity wasn't already known and cultivated )
I'm big on respect. I'm big on not wasting the time of others. I certainly don't wish others to waste my time as well.
People should know, it's one level to do someone wrong, it's a whole other level to lie about it.
( If one has any integrity - in time - certainly, truth should be brought to the surface )
Well considering the facts, I took a step back
I looked at the love I shared and sacrifices I made for these people and knew I deserved better
( It's funny as one that leads, how you are shamed and seen as weak after being cheated on rather than stood up for )
I knew I deserved to be with higher caliber people that seen me for who I was, the love I gave and would respect me in like manner
( A few years later )
Enter miss Lemi (bright and shiny) Poser(Fraud, Fake, Liar)
One of my intro statements and a staple to this relationship that created the 'why' to my past and this connection;
"If I am to waste my time, let it be with those worthy of it."
Boy did that statement become something of a recognition for me-
because the amount of time spent and energy given that I thought was mutual turned out to be the biggest disgrace and time spent of my life
( There is more I am leaving out for reason of questionality, people wouldn't believe and would rather mock the entirety if I left in )
( Not all of what she did was bad - some things like stalking I didn't mind(when we were good) as she was getting to know me, for a different intention, I thought )
Before I get deep into it, I'd like to state on record, from the start of this connection I made known friendship was all I wanted
I may have flirted with the line but all the same, my intent wasn't anything more- I know my worth and having a genuine creative in your corner is a blessing
She knew this, her partner knew this and yet from what I know they hung on the small parts where I talked of more- like that one liner drunk text
( I remember one time specifically that said something about moving in with them, but that was at a hard time- I needed help as well )
( In 3 years of being homeless I asked for help once, maybe twice with no expectation )
All the while they let me down on purpose
Like a bully they loved to feel superior, even to one who brought them good luck
They took me for granted, they treated me like shit, and they certainly didn't maintain anything worth continuing
They loved to hang onto the past, as if we never get better or integrate greater truth
Same thing happened for all my passions and beliefs, we shouldn't be with people that can't grow with you or accept your growth
This isn't the norm, writing an article about a corrupted connection that seeks to destroy your life for being a good person
Again, you have to be really stupid or really evil for me to take something to such a degree of expression and example
When it comes to the realms of energetics, I understand truth
I understand the laws of causality and what makes a bond- and how deep that bond goes
When it came to Lemi, our connection was true yet nothing in contract
We had a recognition of ungrounded potential through my messages/emails and her corresponding posts/stories via Instagram
(That wasn't everything, in the background, there had been much more sinister actions and intentions collaborated on her and her partners part)
I saw her shadow, I saw parts of her she wouldn't address but assumed she would work on as I brought it to light
(I was sent to either heal her or expose her, based on her actions she chose the later)
( Not once did I think to myself I'm going to expose her, I was always grateful )
Part this shadow was her pride. This pride was her disrespecting me and making me feel foolish
I wasn't in the best of states, regardless, I loved myself and had enough self respect that I would show her the line
I think what made her upset was that I was homeless and still happy- I still felt abundant which is part of my teachings
(Come to find out later, I work as the ultimate narcissistic witch breaker as they rely on breaking others to have them crawl back)
One time specifically I remember her disrespecting my expression to such a degree I told her goodbye and I was done connecting with her
Her reply via story after a quiet day of contemplation?
~"Life was not the same after meeting you" in a sweet anime photo
This isn't to brag but, I know the effect I have on people- I took it for the truth
I took that as I am sorry, I will do better.
How else would you believe someone to be such a wretched person when all you offered them was support and devotion?
It was my guess she was part of groups/cults potentially that didn't allow her to connect to certain people
Maybe she was having a bad day and I was seen as lesser than, someone to kick
But connect we did in various ways of loving devotion.
I felt like I found someone that understood me and wanted to continue what we felt was special
She knew my life story, the connections that were built and the betrayals
She knew of my family and the fallout- maybe more than I did
I thought I made a trusted friend that would have my back
I was wrong. Very. Wrong.
I can be naive at times, but nothing compared to the evil that this person dedicated themself to
( Personally, not contractually, rather my own boundary of honor to something I deemed as worthy of it )
( These things do evolve into contract so long the integrity is realized- Something she knew wouldn't happen )
I may be dumb at times, but I'm not dumb enough to sell my soul or officially sign up to something without first knowing the depth of meaning
( I could go deeper on this and the background of this person, the why it most likely happened to her but I wont because of it's wild position )
I liken myself to Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy at times, one that acts from spacey-like naivety, the look classy yet dignified
( I feel God/Life operates cleaner from a place of surrendered trust, though, posers take advantage when they can )
I will say though, I was used as karma in her life. True or not, I believe I was used with entities to connect and deal justice in realms she believe she escaped.
( There is serious depth to this that I keep confidential as this goes into realms of respect that I am not part of nor is my business, yet )
( I have ways of releasing information that will come out if something happens to me as do others )
To move things along, at around the 2 year mark I started receiving consistent messages through divination of betrayal
These messages spoke of robbery and annihilation, they spoke of sacrifice and ending of who we were
I found out that from the beginning, her intent in my life was to destroy who I was
( The tricks to escape dark magicians vail takes effort I had to learn )
( To counter the black magic and voodoo took a remembering as well )
( They honestly believe I was sending black magic when I was only reflecting their own )
( Not recommended unless glba )
This all after I had offered her important parts within the system I was growing
This system needed aspects of devotion that garnered a certain frequency I believe she could achieve
I didn't think she was dumb enough to literally steal my intellectual property and think she would get away with it long term
To be honest it made complete sense to me as well
I connected all the dots from the beginning, the lies and manipulative nature of this person
I started to see who I was in her eyes, "love" conditioned based on her ability to bring me close only to sacrifice me
( Sacrifice can come through assisted death/murder )
( The world of evil and it's agenda is real, alchemy the way )
She looked at me with the eyes of envy, jealousy and greed
She felt like she was the one and only special- death and destruction to anyone in the way
It makes sense because within the 3 years of our connecting, I had gotten closer to death than any time in my life
I had been poisoned severely, I had seen major car accidents right before my eyes, I had collapsed to the pavement feet from a speeding car and
I broke and dislocated 2 fingers after tripping on a totally flat surface while skateboarding( could have been worse )
I would voice these things only to see her, gleeful and happy to see her magic working- yet I'm still alive
What's crazy is knowing these things are done out of spite and in hopes I come crawling back
Being a crazy mofo in the right ways with myself, that's not how this shit was going to go down
As much we may love to explore realms of indecency with those of respect, loyalty to malignancy is not my thing
You have to draw a line, you have to create boundaries to unwarranted disrespect and disloyalty
Other incidents I won't go into that I found intriguing yet were not as solid (intuitions not to go a certain way home ect)
Another being offered food by strangers with the previous day divinations telling me I would be poisoned
It made sense because, in all this time my success was faltering(in part my own)
I recognized the heaviness to having connecting to her, a skill I picked up on was the recognition of karma
I came to understand her past and the connections she made wantonly that got her into her hole, then the actions to maintain position
My time in her diabolical life had come to an end, everything from this point of realization ended all connections made
July 20th (22) I officially ended things with her, I had already built up a year blocking her on several instagram accounts as a warning
The letter I sent I knew would never get to her, I was able to intuit her monitor or handler as they call them, received the letter in a fit of anger
He either deleted it and never told her or they were in on concealing like they didn't get it and continued to act as if it never came in
Something I fully expected as a crew of this kind of idiocy would be the kind to lie and fake things to get their way
How foolish would they look when the one they demeaned so openly caught on and left them?
I was no longer going to be part of their ritual sacrifices.
I wasn't going to be giving myself to treachery any longer
I knew that what ever gifts were being granted to me, they were stealing and using me as a sacrifice
They saw my kindness as weakness, they planned on using that belief for their own means
In our connection it is my belief that she not only stole from me while I was homeless
She recreated what she stole that was my devotion to those in need
The police that had cameras remained silent on the matter
I tried with them many times but their refusal was suspicious at best
( The theft was in part a humiliation ritual I wont go into as it was only a mockery of their idiocy )
I knew speaking to miss Poser about the incident would only fuel her joy as she was an obvious sadist
( luckily for me I know of balance, the justice of life/god wouldn't go unpunished )
That's the thing about these groups of people, you cannot infiltrate what money has bought out
They steal what is special and use it to profit off of others without proper conducting
I knew what was coming for her, I chose to walk away and wait
I knew all I needed to do was break the line and call on judgment
( Her sex magic to maintain the connection will only be increasing her consequences )
That's what I did and continue to do till this day, the acts of treason and treachery were sever on her part
Not only is she paying for what she did to me, she's paying for what she did in her past causations
Money can buy you a lot of things, it cannot buy you peace of mind, heart and soul
Through it all, I only wished to heal her from her from her traumatized inner child
I only wished better for her, to achieve the loving devotion she was entitled to in coming here
Sadly, it will not be met as she has given herself fully to the shadow of this earth, and she may die in the arms of this treachery
Unconscious Egotism is the Babylon created and decimation into dust
It cannot bring you the level of bliss you can attain by being worthy to life and those you dedicate it to
I know she believes it is her responsibility to bring me down, to shut down and betray someone she thinks is unworthy
She believed someone that knew of true love, that expressed from a pure heart of innocence and joy for life was naive and stupid
I would say she was right about the end there, my kindness got me into some trouble
But only temporarily, as sticky situations can be bad, but nothing God/Life can't handle
In the end, steadfastness and faith in life turned my problems and misery into strength and fortitude
A recognition of my own greatness and significant abilities were born from the rubble of this relationship
There is a great amount of side information left out due to many of it still in question
Anyone that works with divination understands the great amount of data that flows through various means
I have faith things will turn out greater than I could ever expect, God pulling through for those with faith in the most high
To finish things off I'd like to make an offer, prayer and dedication to the truth of this cause;
May lies and deceit turn to ash as great natured beings of the world destroy the foolishness of those of unconscious egotism
May justice of wrongs win out in the end and our people of great potential take the reigns in future unfoldment
May God driven, heaven praising, life giving humans cultivate real foundations of future glory
I am grateful for the freedom to choose uncanny pathways as they uncover diamonds
I am grateful for the chance to be violated, for restitution for wrongs is always in the realms of justice
I am grateful for life and it's beauty within honoring those who seek better for themselves, giving grace when necessary
Thank you for your time and attention
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Having a heart of innocence and love is a vail of illusion to a world of hate
Being a loving person has the potential of great catastrophe, so long you are not understanding of evil that might take advantage
A major lesson I had to learn is knowing when to fold, when to back out and give the balance to source- knowing and flowing with all variables of manipulation
( Sex magic, deceptions, setups and the like )
As this path will still serve me greatly, I do not recommend for anyone
If you have any information to contribute to the case
Please send and remain anonymous
Below are stories I made in dedication to her and an animated story line of causes within this dynamic
Out of all the Posers in the world I wanted to make example, she is the one I chose so that others may learn and grow
May this unconscious clown choose to make amends with her ugly and find the grace of life through honor and balance to those wronged
It is in my every attempt to deter people that would do me wrong in my life
Not only that- I would love to drive fear into anyone that would do anyone wrong as that is my nature
If do not tread on me was a blogpost- may this article along with my creations be part of that manifested future
Call this space a running update on the harassment from Queen Poser
It is beyond belief to take shit from someone you were wishing to help
Only demons attack those who made effort to assist them
You are a classless buffoon and from what I know an embarrassment in the spirit
I don't know a soul as disgraced as you and pray to never meet anyone in like
You have low awareness of the truth, the fact you continue in ignorance is crazy
This is a threat miss poser, keep harassing me and I will release all information I have on you- I will target all people that you fear my truth to reach
The harassment you endeavor will be the biggest regret of your life
Not because of anything i've done, but because of who you are
Lie all you want about me, i will speak the truth on you
If I don't start to see reparations of the damage you cause
I will take more than legal action for my case
I am not someone to mess with